1.大学英语教学中多元形成性评价应用(主持) 校级教学质量工程2013
2.基于动机激发策略的大学英语隐性分层教学的实证研究(主持) 湖北省教育科学“十二五”规划课题2014
3.英语智慧教育推动元认知策略发展的研究(主持) 湖北省教育科学规划课题2017
4.基于人工智能的英语语音识别系统(主持) 横向课题2021
1.Research on the Dynamic Balance in the Informationized College English ClassAPME2014
2.English Teaching on China’s Non-English-Major Students14APME2014
3.Construction of Implicit Hierarchical Teaching of College English under the Guidance of Learning Motivational StrategiesESEM2016
4.Research on Multidimensional Cultivation of College English Learning Strategies under the Condition of Information Technology in Application Oriented UniversitiesEEMT2016
5.Research on the College English Teaching on the Implicit Stratification ModeICESAME2016
6.A Survey of Motivation Strategies in College English Classroom and the Selection of Effective Teaching StrategiesICSSHE2016
7.Research on the Wisdom Education of College English EEMT2018
8.A Practical Study of Smart Education in College English TeachingAERMT2019
9.A Study of English Smart Education Promoting the Development of Learners’ Metacognitive Strategies AERMT2019
2. 2022年文华学院一师一优课